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Janae Edmondson walks again with new prosthetic legs
Janae Edmondson walks again at Smyrna High School game
Janae Edmondson walks for first time after losing legs
Janae Edmondson takes first steps with prostethic legs after Downtown crash
5 months after losing her legs in downtown crash, Janae Edmondson will get prosthetics
Months after life-changing crash in St. Louis, Janae Edmondson gets prosthetics
Janae Edmondson back on her feet after receiving prosthetic legs following crash
Exclusive: Janae Edmondson speaks on losing legs after crash
MTSU freshman Janae Edmondson's remarkable recovery inspires community unity
Janae Edmondson took her first steps since losing her legs in an accident Feb. 18.
Janae Edmondson takes first steps after having legs amputated
Janae Edmondson set to have another surgery today